P2P Decryptor:
P2P stands for "Peer to Peer". In a P2P network, the "peers" are computer systems which are connected to each other via the Internet. Files can be shared directly between systems on the network without the need of a central server. Some of the more common P2P software programs include Kazaa, Limewire, BearShare, Morpheus, Ares, and Acquisition. With the first release of P2P Decryptor comes the ability to extract the information that can be found in the files related to Ares.
ShareH & ShareL:
Often the information stored in these two files represents enough information that gives you the insight of what the user was surfing for. With P2P Decryptor, the mounds of information that can be extracted include the following:
- File Name
- HASH values
- File Date
- Shared or Not Shared
- Category
When using P2P Decryptor you can deploy the searching or filtering to help isolate a term or file name you’re looking for.
This allows you to report on the files that matter.
- Database Pointer on the Disk
- Length of the file on the Disk
- SHA 1 HASH Values
Once the list is ready for reporting, you can add the following fields to a header for the report:
- Your Name
- Subject Name
- Date of Report
- Case Number
- Comments
P2P Decryptor comes in 4 types of reporting forms:
- Excel
Other P2P applications will be added to this version soon! If you're active law enforcement, there will not be a cost to upgrade to the next version when it becomes available.
To purchase a copy:
P2P Decryptor is available for purchase at 3 different purchase plans:
1) Attend a training event and get a copy licensed to you for FREE. We'll even include the next major version when its available.
2) Register here (at CatieOnLine) and get a licensed copy for $29.95 and get the next major update at 1/2 price (when it's available).
3) Use the direct method (no registration needed) by going here and get it for $59.95. Minor updates included; Update major versions will add extra fees.